Monday, October 7, 2019

Engineering Ethics Henrys Daughters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Engineering Ethics Henrys Daughters - Essay Example This also forms part of the engineering ethics. This paper will seek to explore the meaning of proprietary information and issue an example which it will elaborate. It will also explore and thereby give reason as to whether it was appropriate for Henry and his daughters to work on the same project for different parties. It will then elaborate whether there are ethical limits to what the sisters can share with each other about their work. Finally, it will seek to answer whether Senator Bob should have rescued himself from the investigative committee and whatever else he could have done differently as a member of the committee. Proprietary information is sensitive information which a corporation possesses and often uses it to gain advantage in the competitive market. It entails highly classified information which it limits accessibility from its contents. Proprietary information can as well be called trade secret. Property information is vital for the success of most business entities, especially in the current competitive worldwide markets where many business administrators identify that the intellectual resources of business are vastly sought- after items. Policies of business entities may prohibit their managers, workers and agents from revealing or exercising classified or proprietary information beyond the precincts of the business entity or for individual benefit, during or after service, without the appropriate written business approval to do so. Generally, a business entity has to categorize information as proprietary for it to be regarded as classified. Proprietary information may comprise confidential formulas, procedure and techniques used in manufacturing. It can as well comprise a companys trade and marketing strategies, remuneration structure, client directories, contracts and particulars of its computer structures. In some instances, the exceptional information

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